Sunday, February 27, 2011

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Milan Fashion Week: Gucci

Thanks to everyone for all the love on "The Heist"!
It now has it's own page which you get to by clicking at the top of the blog.
And now... Milan Fashion Week!
It's like fashion comes home, so naturally, we start with Gucci.
Sweet Mother of your Chosen Deity - everything in this collection is glorious!
We have to move to Italy - three weeks in August just will not do.

Gucci Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Gucci Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Gucci Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Gucci Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Gucci Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Gucci Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Gucci Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Gucci Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Gucci Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Gucci Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Gucci Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Gucci Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Gucci Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Photos: Monica Feudi /

Monday, February 21, 2011

Vintage-ista Web Premiere: The Heist!

Vintage-ista Premiere: Plate This!

Mmmm... meet Mariam
She's a total Creatrix - food division ....and nepotistically speaking... my cousin
 We used to be roommates in Chicago ...I never ate better in my life   very good times
 She went to Culinary school of course but Law school is up next so it's good we're catching her now... 
 Is it November yet...
cuz I feel like giving thanks right now...
We finally got a piece of the piiiiiiiiiiiiiiie! oh yeah ...where's my cyber fork?!
Meet La Vintage-ista's Official Chef 
...and be on the look out for her Do It! segments "Plate This!"

Thanks Mimi!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

London calling!

Ah, so the runway has reached across the pond but the shows continue dearie.
We start with this Issa stunner.
Issa Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Photo: Yannis Vlamos /
Honestly with this collection I can't tell which is fiercer - the models or the clothes. Doesn't she look just born to wear it?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Old Penn Station

Oh my...
Just discovered this.

They tore Old Penn Station down in 1963 and sold the air rights.

Even then it inspired international outrage.

Now Penn Station is completely underground.

Boy, the Don Drapers of the world really had it good.

Can't believe they destroyed something so beautiful.

Oh wait.. I can.

Chartography our dear Buttons iPhoned us a pic today from the Wall Street Journal - and as soon as we got over wondering "Buttons reads the Journal?" - we saw the genius of it - "The Master Chart of Fashion Influence". Nifty ain't it? (btw does "aint" need an apostrophe?)

Anyway, hmmmm.... curious that I don't see Vintage-ista* on here. But if I could choose - and apparently I can - I'd place us somewhere between "Younger Customer - Older World Opulence" and "Intense Chic" which would put us - oh yes - in the middle!

*Note to self: must get Buttons to modify chart...

Hear that Buttons?

Vintage-ista had a party!

...a Birthday slash Valentine's soiree for our very own Buttons - Red attire required ;-) Buttons is the fab creatrix who does the graphic design for our little site as well as many other genius things.
She turned *cough*!

Oh it was so much fun! 
We served brie, chocolate strawberry fondue, ruby red cocktails, birthday cake shots, ciderdelicioso, broken heart brownies, cupcakescupcakescupcakes, red velvet cake, birthday cake, icecream, jamaican patty bites, yummy homemade pizza and the take away gift was our trademark 2ByePies - this time cherry flavored! Aren't they cute?!

Our friends Michael and Carsey played cello and African drums plus we also had the World Premiere of Vintage-ista's first movie "The Heist"! Here's the morning after:  

"The Heist" coming to the site very soon.
Party pics too!
Thanks again to everyone for coming - especially our wonderful Aunt Colleen! 
This was such a blast that we're already planning the next one!
Man oh man it's gonna be something... can't wait for warm weather.
Now back to Fashion Week!

NYFW: Anna Sui

Anna's collection is an intriguing mix of fab prints, patterns, fabrics and influences, structures, drapes and even shredding. We love that her look is so specific yet so eclectic and totes want to be "that girl" that pulls it off. We're swooning at the imagination of it all and feeling so inspired all at once! Brava Anna! Grazie Sui!! 

Anna Sui Fall 2011 Ready-to-WearAnna Sui Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear 
Anna Sui Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Anna Sui Fall 2011 Ready-to-WearAnna Sui Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Anna Sui Fall 2011 Ready-to-WearAnna Sui Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Photos: Alessandro Viero /

NYFW: Marchesa

Marchesa's collection looks for all the world like a little girl playing dressup, models and all. Check out the whimsy in this one:

Marchesa Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Photo: Amanda De Simone /
... and see the rest here.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

NYFW: Douglas Hannant

Dougie is doing this delicious Clara Bow Greta Garbo flapper thing and we looooove it! 

Plus his models are FIERCE!
Douglas Hannant Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Sexy draping, fab pattern - wouldn't change a thing.
Douglas Hannant Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Are you kidding me? This is ridiculous. This man clearly loves women. 
Douglas Hannant Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
We wanna be this chick. Killing it!
Douglas Hannant Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
So fab - we would accessorize with a glass of wine and just wear this around the house, seriously.
Douglas Hannant Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
I must have this jacket. OMG! Mixing textures - whooo Dougie!
Douglas Hannant Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Very clever update!
Douglas Hannant Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
I am love. ing. IT! It looks so delicious - can you imagine how it feels?!
Douglas Hannant Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Wicked awesome. Do not mess with this broad.
Douglas Hannant Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Douglas Hannant Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Double Gasp!!
Douglas Hannant Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Douglas Hannant Fall 2011 Ready-to-Wear
Photos: Filippo Fior /

Kisses & Kudos Dougie!