Wednesday, January 26, 2011

VIntage-ista loooves... Shareen Vintage

Now we know we've hyperventilated about this place before, but we only gave a link and didn't do this little slice of vintage heaven nearly enough justice. To start, if you're in New York on 17th Street, look up. This dress hung from the fire escape is how you know they're open. Ahhh, you're in luck!

First Rule:

That's right, ladies, it's all about you.

So, picture this, it's a Saturday afternoon in New York (or LA)  and you're having a Gals Day Out. Good for you! Totes worth it thou art.

So you ease on down boulevards to Shareen's, ascend the stairs, turn the corner and the first thing that happens is you're offered a glass of wine. Already this is fabulous. Now glide on in because you haven't even gotten to the clothes! Racks and racks and racks of fabulous vintage pieces, some by famous designers, others by brilliant undiscovereds and a darling few reworked by Shareen herself. Expect to spend a couple of hours because the mood is relaxed and there is genius in the details - you'll be gasping at your marvelous finds. "Shut Up!" you'll say - as your eyes widen. "You're welcome", I'll say - Vintage-ista smilin' ;-)

The staff is chic and chill and the prices are sooooo reasonable! Last time I was there I got a fab fur stole for b60* and the next time I got a 60's swing coat (oh so Jackie-O) for b50 not to mention my pale pink cinch waist grand lapel 40's jacket for b110 - it is so Marlene Dietrich!

I won't bother posting any pictures because their site has that covered plus they get new inventory all the time!

So.... GO!  

I promise you won't be sorry - tell them Vintage-ista sent ya!
*Vintage-ista uses "b" instead of "$"
b is for "bones" babies!

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